Strasburg water tower and Strasburg Orthodox Mission logo

Welcome to Eastern Orthodoxy on the high plains

Before He ascended to sit at the right hand of the Father, Jesus established His church and gave it the Great Commission:

To make disciples of all nations to teach His children The Way.

Two thousand years later, Jesus’ church remains, and the Strasburg Orthodox Mission is here to bring this Good News to the high plains east of Denver.

About Us

We are a mission within the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America.

We have Prime & Lauds every Sunday at 10AM and have a short fellowship after each service

We meet at the American Legion in Strasburg (56423 Westview Ave).

This is a bit of a placeholder page for a fuller website to come. So, please contact us if you have any questions about the mission or Eastern Orthodoxy.

Joachim, Anna, and Mary

If you are wondering about our site’s tagline, it is something that St. Augustine wrote in Confessions 3.11, discussing a dream his mother had as she worried about Augustine’s salvation:

How should this chance now, but that thine ears were bent towards the requests of her heart, O thou Good Omnipotent, who hast such special care of every one of us, as if thou hadst care but of one alone; and so regardest all, as if but single persons!1

1Augustine of Hippo. (1912). St. Augustine’s Confessions, vol.1 (T. E. Page & W. H. D. Rouse, Eds.; W. Watts, Trans.; p. 139). William Heinemann; The Macmillan Co.

– Strasburg Orthodox Mission Webmaster

Fr. Demetrios

Pastor, St. Augustine of Hippo Orthodox Church

Contact Us

Thanks for your interest in contacting us. We’ve got quite a few options for you:
Phone & Text(720) 772-1005